First Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting
15. 12. 2022
23rd of January 2023
Location: Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
Registration is limited and it will close once maximal number of participants is reached.
Bacteriophages are the most abundant and diverse biological entities on the planet, and they have tremendous impact on bacteria. In recent years, basic research on bacteriophages, and their biotechnological applications have flourished. The first Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting will gather researchers from academia, industry and medical sector, that work in phage field, from basic studies of phage-host interactions during lysogeny and lysis, molecular genetics of lysis-lysogeny switch, phages are biofilm-eradication agents, phage ecology, manufacturing of phage particles for applications, isolation of new phages and development of animal and cell culture model for phage therapy risk assessment and much more. The aim of the meeting is to strengthen phage network in Slovenia and present phage research to broader microbiology community. Join us!